These 病人的权利 combine Title 22 and other California laws, 联合委员会 and Medicare Conditions of Participation requirements.

As a patient of 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, you have the right to:

  1. Considerate and respectful care, and to be made comfortable. You have the right to respect for your cultural, 社会心理, 精神上的, 个人价值观, 信念和偏好.
  2. 在你入院时,是否及时通知你的家庭成员(或你选择的其他代表)和你的医生.
  3. 知道在他或她的专业执照范围内对协调你的护理负有主要责任的有执照的保健医生的名字, 以及给你看病的医生和非医生的名字和专业关系.
  4. Receive information about your health status, 诊断, 预后, 疗程, 康复的前景和治疗的结果(包括意想不到的结果),用你能理解的术语. 您有权获得有效的沟通,并参与您的护理计划的制定和实施. 您有权参与治疗过程中出现的伦理问题, including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative services, and forgoing or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, or to request an ETHICS consult 通过调用 310-794-6219 或寻呼号码38442.
  5. Make decisions regarding medical care, 并尽可能多地了解任何拟议的治疗或程序,以便您知情同意或拒绝治疗. 除了紧急情况, this information shall include a description of the procedure or treatment, the medically significant risks involved, 治疗或不治疗的备选方案以及每个方案所涉及的风险, and the name of the person who will carry out the procedure or treatment.
  6. Request or refuse treatment, to the extent permitted by law. 然而, 您没有权利要求不适当或医学上不必要的治疗或服务. 即使不顾医务人员的劝告,你也有权离开医院, to the extent permitted by law.
  7. 如果医院/有执照的保健医生在他或她的专业执照范围内建议从事或进行影响您的护理或治疗的人体实验,请告知. You have the right to refuse to participate in such research projects.
  8. Reasonable responses to any reasonable requests made for service.
  9. Appropriate assessment and man年龄ment of your pain, 关于疼痛的信息, pain relief measures and to participate in pain man年龄ment decisions. You may request or reject the use of any or all modalities to relieve pain, including opiate medication, if you suffer from severe chronic intractable pain. The doctor may refuse to prescribe the opiate medication, 但如果是这样, 必须告诉你有专门治疗严重慢性疼痛的医生使用的方法包括阿片类药物吗.
  10. Formulate advance directives. 这包括如果你无法理解拟议的治疗或无法沟通你对护理的愿望时,指定一个决策者. 在医院提供护理的医院工作人员和从业员必须遵守这些指示. 所有病人的权利都适用于有法律责任代表你作出医疗决定的人.
  11. Have personal privacy respected. 案例讨论, 咨询, 检查, and treatment are confidential and should be conducted discreetly. You have the right to be told the reason for the presence of any individual. 您有权在检查前和讨论治疗问题时让来访者离开. Privacy curtains will be used in semi-private rooms.
  12. 对与您的护理和住院有关的所有通信和记录进行保密处理. 您将收到一份单独的“隐私惯例通知”,详细说明您的隐私权以及我们如何使用和披露您受保护的健康信息.
  13. Receive care in a safe setting, 精神上的自由, 物理, 性ual or verbal abuse and neglect, exploitation or harassment. 你有权获得保护和辩护服务,包括通知政府机构忽视或虐待.
  14. Be free from restraints and seclusion of any form used as a means of coercion, 纪律, convenience or retaliation by staff.
  15. 合理的护理连续性,并提前知道你预约的时间和地点,以及提供护理的人的身份.
  16. Be informed by the physician, or delegate of the physician, 出院后的持续医疗保健需求和选择. 您有权参与制定和实施您的离职计划. 根据您的要求,您的朋友或家人也可以提供这些信息.
  17. Know which hospital rules and policies apply to your conduct while a patient.
  18. Designate a support person as well as visitors of your choosing, if you have decision-making capacity, whether or not the visitor is related by blood or marri年龄, or registered domestic partner status, 除非:
    • 访客不得入内.
    • 设施合理地确定某一来访者的出现会危及病人的健康或安全, 保健机构的工作人员或保健机构的其他访客, or would significantly disrupt the operations of the facility.
    • 你已经告诉卫生机构的工作人员,你不再希望某个人来访.
  19. 然而, the health facility may establish reasonable restrictions upon visitation, including restrictions upon the hours of visitation and number of visitors. The health facility must inform you (or your support person, where appropriate) of your visitation rights, including any clinical restrictions or 限制ations. The health facility is not permitted to restrict, 限制, or otherwise deny visitation privileges on the basis of 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 或残疾.
  20. Have your wishes considered, if you lack decision-making capacity, for the purposes of determining who may visit. 这种考虑的方法将符合联邦法律,并在医院探视政策中予以披露. 至少, 根据联邦法律,医院应包括居住在您家中的任何人员和任何赡养人员.
  21. 检查并收到医院账单的解释,无论付款来源如何.
  22. Free aids and services to communicate effectively about your care. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 provides qualified sign langu年龄 interpreters, written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, 其他格式), 当主要语言不是英语和以其他语言书写的信息时,合格的口译员. If you need these services, contact:
    • 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,患者体验办公室(住院/门诊护理) 310-267-9113
  23. Exercise these rights without regard to 性, 经济地位, 教育背景, 比赛, color, 年龄, 宗教, 祖先, 国家的起源, 性取向, 性别认同 or expression, 婚姻状况, registered domestic partner status, 残疾, 医疗条件, 遗传信息, 公民身份, 主要语言, immigration status (except as required by federal law) or source of payment.
  24. 提出申诉. 如果您想向皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心提出申诉,您可以以书面形式提出,或致电:
    • 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,患者体验办公室(住院/门诊护理) 310-267-9113
    • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,圣莫尼卡,患者体验办公室(住院/门诊护理) 424-259-9120
    • 斯图尔特 & Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA Patient Relations 310-267-9092
  25. 申诉委员会将审查每项申诉,并在30天内向您提供书面答复. 书面回复将包含医院联系人的姓名, the steps taken to investigate the grievance, the results of the grievance process, and the date of completion of the grievance process. 有关护理质量或过早出院的问题也将提交给适当的利用和质量控制同行评审组织(PRO)。.
  26. 无论您是否使用医院的申诉程序,都可以向皇冠hga025公共卫生部(CDPH)提出投诉, 通过调用 916-552-8700 或者免费: 800-228-1019, 或写信给CDPH, Health Facilities Inspection Division, Los Angeles District Office 3400 Aerojet Avenue, 323套房, 艾尔蒙特市, CA 91731
  27. You may file a grievance with 联合委员会 (TJC) 通过调用 800-994-6610,传真 630-792-5636 或发邮件 (电子邮件保护). You can also write to: Office of Quality and Patient Safety, 联合委员会, One Renaissance Boulevard, lisle的露台, IL 60181
  28. 对医生的行为提出申诉,请致电皇冠hga025医学委员会 800-633-2322 or 916-263-2382,或传真至 916-263-2435, or writing to: Medical Board of California, 中央投诉小组, 长荣街2005号, 1200套房, 萨克拉门托, CA 95815
  29. File a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 民权办公室, electronically at the 民权办公室 Complaint Portal: ocrportal.美国卫生和公众服务部.gov / ocr / portal /游说.jsf,电话: 800-368-1019800-537-7697 (TDD)或邮寄:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Ave, 西南509F室, 华盛顿大厦, D.C. 20201. Complaint forms are available at 美国卫生和公众服务部.gov / ocr /索引.html.